Why not to write a post in English? Some weeks ago the idea just popped up that if I'm writing a blog why not to write a post in English so all the non Hungarian speaking people here can understand it too. So here is the time to write it.

I thought today was the day to start Tai Chi but when I went to the gym at 6 pm, there was noone there and a lady said that Tai Chi will start at 6.30 pm. I returned at that time but it has already started, I've just seen many moving arms from outside through the window so I got a bit angry about this misunderstanding and I decided not to go now, maybe next week. Next week, yes for sure.

I've heard about that a Scottish politician, named Tavish Scott will visit the university and talk about current issues which affect Scotland and students so I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up some recent news and background of Scotland. Before it, instead of going to Tai Chi, I went to the Tay bridge to make some photos while the sun was going down. When I reached the bridge, the sun already went down but there were beautiful colours on the horizon, so I took some pictures, I will put one here (the other ones on Facebook).

The weather was quite chilly on the bridge, noone was there instead of me, so I've only spent a few minutes there, my nose and hands started to freeze. After this I went to the university to listen Tavish Scott MSP, who actually is the leader of Scottish LibDems and the debate was really interesting, not because he was liberal, you know these kind of ideas stand close to my heart, but he was open-minded, friendly, talkative, interested; not like a Hungarian politician, even the liberal ones. He talked about McCain and Obama (of course he supports Obama), Scottish independence (he is a federalist, thinking of a combination of national parliaments: Welsh, Scottish and so on working together), he blamed Bush and the bankers for the financial crisis, talked about a greener country and of course campaigning a bit for his party. I had a small chat with him next to a cup of tea after the debate,  he actually came from the Shetlands, studied business and joined politics and LibDems in the '80s. Anyway the conclusion is that he was much more symphatic than any Hungarian politicians. And of course he is a liberal, we shouldn't forget this:-).

For the end I place a photo here to demonstrate how many religious groups are represented in Dundee. Just a few ones: Islam (with many cultural centres also), Sikh, Unitarian (which is not one the picture yet), Episcopal, Congregational and other Christian churches which are related to saints of Scotland. There is a synagogue in Dundee also, I should look for it sometime. I made the pictures this afternoon, but there are more religious groups which are on the picture, I should make a bigger circle next time, so this could be the first session of it. I don't know how many people attend church here, I mean Christian ones, only saw some elderly ladies on one Sunday, but there is always life next to the Islamic cultural centres, especially at praying time.


Szerző: harsfatea  2008.10.16. 23:51 Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: libdems evening

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